Literary Magic coming!
Thursday, December 12, 2013 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

It's dark outside.  It's cold.  Only one thing can save us now:  literary magic!  

Come to our final show of the year.  It will change your life.  

Have we ever let you down before? 


WHAT:  Action Fiction!

WHEN:  December 12, 7-9 p.m.

WHERE:  the Chez Poulet
3359 Cesar Chavez St
(Just blocks from 24th street BART, between Van Ness Ave & Mission St)
San Francisco

This event is free of charge.
We always start on time.

Featured writers and performers:
Katrin Arefy, performed by Gray
Naomi Goldner, performed by Gillian Eichenberger
Kevin Halleran, performed by Robert Thomas
Amy Payne, performed by Margarita Galindo
Sommer Schafer-AuYeung, performed by judy b.
Olga Zilberbourg, performed by Mantra Plonsey
Salvatore Zoida, performed by Dana Jakobson and Jen Terry

Mmmmmmm ... that's good details!


But why?
Let's admit it: great writers are not always great performers. Great writing should be as passionate and engaging when read publicly as it is on the page. Readings should feel like war and love happening in front of you, not a museum exhibit. The Omnibucket Performance Academy believes that by providing compelling performances of original voices in extraordinary settings will create an aesthetic experience unlike any currently offered in San Francisco.

Action Fiction! is presented by The Omnibucket Performance Academy - where readings become performances - a partnership between,,, and Madlab Theatre.