Ravens & the Ryhme on iPad reviews
“Kinda reminds me of the Brothers Quay. I love it!” - Jimmy Wonser, OH
“I really like the look of the books published by the folks at Omnibucket. Limited edition storybooks for adults, with more than just words on pages. Never dull.” - Ariel, Alien Online
“…a collaboration of several writers and artists dedicated to bringing the graphic novel out of the sweaty geek’s bedroom and onto the living room table. This collection of stories-within-stories told with sculpture-on-sketch art is a tribute to the mysteries of childhood, told in a macabre fashion… It is two stories, illustrated differently…[which] wrap and wind around each other, begging the reader to figure out what is going on in the world of the young protagonists, even as the characters attempt to do the same.” - Josh Reisen, UWeekly
“This is a must-see book for the artwork alone and heck you're getting a good story to go with it…A mighty fine piece of work from Omnibucket and an adult storybook worthy of being a delight to any visitor to your home should they happen to pick it up.” - Damon, FantasyBookSpot